engineering design studio LLC
Meet The Team,
Certified SBE
SDVOB, MBE,VOB pending
Charles Chelotti
Principal Engineer, P.E.

Lonell Jenkins

Ibrahim Branham

EDS works with both public and private clients to develop the most innovative and cost effective solutions for each project. Our team of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Urban Planners, Landscape Architects, Environmental Scientists and contractors work with you to incorporate sustainable design practices into your civil engineering project.

EDS LLC, is committed to creating jobs and mentoring those who need the skills to obtain employment. As part of our community engagement, we work with faith-based and community organizations, as well as local leaders to identify those residents who want to be employed and mentored by EDS LLC. Under our tutelage, these residents will become equipped to sustain a career in the industry.
Identifying Local, SBEs, WBEs, VDBEs, & MBEs to Provide Services at Our Job Sites
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, EDS is committed to obtaining contracts with qualified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Business Enterprises (WBE), Small Business Enterprises (SBE), and Veteran Disabled Business Enterprises (VDBE) who are local to our job sites.
EDS works closely with state programs, community organizations, faith leaders and the building trades to identify and connect with local contractors and suppliers.
Supporting Students Interested in STEM Careers
The EDS & STEM program identifies and support local high school students who are interested in learning about STEM and the construction fields . Through unique partnerships with schools and organizations like the Boys & Girls Club or the P.A.L., EDS & STEM students are mentored by the EDS team to learn skills necessary in the real world of construction and related STEM fields.